Education Career Services

November 17, 2009

Mirror’s Reflection (part II)

Submitted by Victoria Andrew (continued from yesterday’s submission)

4. Be a dynamic duo. Even if you are in different industries, consider the fact that job fairs and networking events are much less anxiety-provoking and more enjoyable with a friend.  Gallivant to events with the agenda of keeping an eye out for your buddy’s interests as well as your own.  If the opportunity arises, agree to introduce each other and/or even speak on one another’s behalf to diversify your options and accelerate your chances.

5. Support each other’s greatest challenges.  One of the most empowering aspects of the buddy system for your job quest, is that you would have a trusted confidante to speak honestly and openly to about the euphoric highs and sometimes devastating lows of the job search.  You can volley ideas over salary negotiation tactics and portfolio samples.  You can not only prepare for interviews with mock scenarios, but also process and debrief one another on all you learned from the experience.

6. Celebrate your mutual accomplishments and cheer each other on as you cross the finish line.  There’s not a better feeling than having your own cheerleader after a race. You can party with glee over each other’s achievements, and also offer a helping hand when you fall short of your goals.  You remind each other it’s not always the outcome, but the journey that is the most worthwhile.

As in most challenging situations in our lives, the synergy of two minds is always better than striving to accomplish things alone. Capitalizing on your path to a new career by mirroring a friend and supporting him or her in the process will undoubtedly catapult you to a higher playing field.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

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