Education Career Services

November 26, 2009

Informational Interviews: Bring it Home…

Back to conclude yesterday’s submission dealing with informational interviews…enjoy it and never stop progressing:

For example, informational interviews will:

* Help you learn about careers within the industry
* Can be used to gauge company culture and if you fit in
* Help develop life-long networks
* Give insight into the non-advertised job market
* Give insight for scheduled interviews
* Develop rapport and referrals

Overall, informational interviews give you a leg up against other candidates AND can be used as an indicator when evaluating career matches.  For the record, informational requests are not to be used as a mechanism to ask for a job or a formal interview. This is not the time or the place to be an aggressive job seeker. If you think about it, that takes pressure off you and the person you interview, so now you can do some serious learning.  You know about the benefits, let’s look at your next step.

Your experience and educational background in research comes into play as well as your social and professional networks.  Once you identify a particular company or industry, talk to everyone you know about the company.  The cliché that “we live in a small world” will quickly become a little more real.  It may surprise you how close your network connections may be to decision makers. Through friends, classmates, family members, professors, neighbors, and career services counselors, chances are you will gain valuable insight without a great deal of effort, at least in the initial phase of simply asking.  From people in your network, jot down ideas and remember potential contacts within the company or industry; these may come in handy during informational interviews.

Once you have an outline of information you want to focus on, it is homework time. Research the organization and industry as you will be asking questions related to your findings.  Make a quick list of questions and identify what data your contact may be able to provide.  You will want to make a list of approximately 10-15 questions based upon the title and position of your contact.  The more you are prepared, the more likely the person on the phone will be happy to answer. As noted, people like to talk about themselves and especially their work.

Once you contact a professional in the field, explain that you are gaining information about his or her job responsibilities, requirements, company/industry needs, new processes, and so on.  Always make sure the individual has time for a discussion; if not, schedule a phone meeting at their convenience.

During informational interviews, have your résumé available in case you need a quick reference.  Stick to the time allotted (typically 30 minutes in length), do not take too much of the person’s time and, if the meeting goes well, ask to schedule another meeting, hopefully face-to-face.  Even if you receive a personal meeting, remember the purpose is to gather information—do not turn this into a job interview. You are “researching opportunities” in that particular field or industry.

Once your informational interview is over, write the responses and review them as your career decisions may hinge on the impressions taken from this and other informational interviews.  Send the person a thank you note as professional etiquette dictates that you treat the informational interview with the same standards as a job interview.  Once thank you notes have been sent, contact another professional within the company or industry.  Do not stop with a single perspective—the more input from various sources, the more accurate the representation will be.

Possible informational interview questions include:

* What does failure mean to you?
* What qualities do you feel a successful employee should have?
* How do you demonstrate your ability to be innovative?
* What are some of the most effective ways to demonstrate teamwork?
* What three things are most important to you in your job?
* Tell me about a conflict you had with someone and how you handled it.
* Tell me about a major problem you encountered and how you handled it.
* What qualities do you admire in others?
* Tell me about a time a supervisor or peer criticized your work, how did you handle it?

Once it’s time for a formal interview, know that in recent years the use of behavior-modeled interview questions have dominated the interview process.  No matter the industry or job position, you must prepare for this type of setting.”

Okay, enough of the books for now.  To summarize, when networking, do everything you can to make the other person talk about him/herself, the company, and the needs within the company or department.  Do not turn this informational (informal) moment into a formal meeting.  Next time you go to a social (industry) function, keep your ears open, your words to be used as a catalyst for the other person (everyone likes a good listener and at this time, the information can be most invaluable), and the atmosphere to be comfortable.  During the first encounter, do not push for an interview but a follow-up on a specific topic of discussion. 

Find contacts through associations, foot traffic, networking events, and professional peers.  It’s not the easiest thing to do but developing a rapport is the foundation you are trying to accomplish. 

Hopefully I was not too exhaustive in my response.  If you need further help or would like my guidance in any other capacity, do not hesitate to ask. 

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 25, 2009

Informational Interviews, What the Heck?

Offering support to as many people as possible via multiple mediums, I am an advocate of social networking.  As such, I am on LinkedIn and often respond to questions posted on that site.  I’m easy to find and welcome you to take the first step and invite me to join your network.  After all, we all need a helping hand now and then!

Below is one question (and my response) recently submitted on LinkedIn.  I bring this to you as the question may be pertinent to just about everyone, including students and directors at all levels…

What is the best way to ask someone for an interview when they might not have been looking to hire someone?

Hate to tell you but there are no fail-safe ways to ask someone for an interview when they might not be looking to hire someone.  As a matter of professionalism, I do not recommend anyone asking for an interview, per se. 

Place yourself in the shoes of the recipient: would you want such unsolicited requests directed to you?  You probably would not.  But there is a way to get around the situation without sounding pushy or overly aggressive.  In this capacity, let’s change the focus around and NOT ask for an interview but request for an informational discussion.  True, pretty much the same thing but the purpose of an informational discussion is to develop networking ties AND ignite insight into a company’s philosophy and needs.  With this approach, your goal is to discover issues within the industry or company which you can resolve.  No longer is your question considered a liability and an attack, it is considered a means to correct…whereas the value you offer can then be taken advantage of.

 I notice you are an architect with a solid background in the field.  This intellectual capital is of great value, even if a company is not actively seeking to secure a position.  Your goal is to highlight the value and instant contribution you offer and, oftentimes, will lead to the creation of a position or contact to fellow peers who would benefit from your expertise. 

 I’ve written a good number of books dealing with career management and discuss informational interviews within a college textbook used throughout the US (heck, if you know any colleges needing a great career management portfolio textbook, let me know and if you know the career director, even better!).  Anyway, I am going to highlight one of the pages and use the copy to help guide your question:

 “…. You might be asking, “What exactly are informational interviews?” And you might also be thinking, just from the sound of it, that informational interviews are going to take way, way too much time to research and conduct. 

 It’s certainly true that informational interviews will take time and work.  Be assured, informational interviews reap benefits relative to the cost, stress, and, yes, even time, which are all important concerns and issues in any job search campaign.  Truth be known, informational interviews offer benefits at a low cost and could be the most efficient way to locate and secure a career. 

As this submission has been somewhat lengthy, let’s take a quick breather and come back tomorrow with the conclusion.  Speaking of which, tomorrow’s submission will delve much deeper into the process of informational interviews.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 20, 2009


Comments on Plagiarism and costs. College Student Journal, 43(3), 718-722.
Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.
Submitted by Professor Lewis Alston

While reading this article, a legitimate question became the title of this supposition.  I call this a supposition instead of a submission.  As of this moment, I cannot understand why the American Educational System does not spend more time on the subject of plagiarism in grades one through twelve.

I suppose that “The System” felt they had control of it in that venue.  I did not become aware of the “P-word” until the 8th and 9th grade.  The System was trying so hard to get us to read that they did not spend enough time teaching us the appropriate use of the material.  The secondary school is at a loss here.

Our general society frowns upon theft.  Hmmmm.  However, we do not teach students at an early age that taking the author’s words as our own is “stealing.”  Accordingly, a series of questions have come to mind:

§   Are we so glad that the student is reading that we do not teach proper treatment of the information when presented to the public?  (It is not the P-word until the moment of presentation.)
§   Are we putting too much pressure on the student “to perform versus developing a mastery” of the material?
§   Are we imposing sufficient sanctions early in the educational process to deter this behavior as a lifetime practice, in any environment?

Mrs. Keith, in my 9th grade AP English class, discovered that a number of students had used a literature review to write a report about a Shakespearean play.  All she did was to take off 10 points from their final grade. 

Was that a sufficient penalty to deter that sort of behavior in the future?

The only definition given to us was that we could not “copy” the material into our paper without citing it on the Bibliography Page.  (Oooooh, that was scary!)  That was / is not a deterrent to a student who has a command of the language.  That student possesses a bag full of synonyms to overcome that scholastic hurdle:

“To thine own self be true.”  [Be honest with yourself.]  (Hmmmmm.  Is this plagiarism?)  Certainly, it does not carry the same poetic effect, but it does convey the same message.  [Note: Someone call Polonius from Hamlet, Act 1, scene 3, 78-82 and tell him that I am sorry about ruining his line.]

Are we picky about the students we teach the concepts of plagiarism to in “The System”? 

Those of us who are educators spent a good percentage of our high school career in the upper level courses.  We were not in General Education courses, for the most part.  The subject of plagiarism had to be approached because of our ingenuity.  (Since I have crossed over to the dark side of education, I realize that school policy dictated more of this than the teacher’s desire to eliminate the P-word.  Not every teacher was there to elevate our use of the language.)

Actually, some my student colleagues thought it to be a challenge to see how much of someone else’s material they could use without “Mrs. Keith finding out about it.”

Am I the only one who sees that students have become master copy-and-pasters?  The Internet has become the ONLY source of information for today’s collegiate student.  When I require material from a book – a hard cover book – I am met with holy water, torches, tar and feathers.  I am to be burned at the stake at the next smoke break! 

Then, the barrage begins upon me:

One brave student screams, “A book!  Awww, come on ‘Fessa Alston, why we got to use a booook?”  [He stops to wash out his mouth.  He tastes the brine of the word “book.”]  “’Fessa Alston, I use Wiki, all ‘da time!”  [Heads are nodding affirmatively at me and their mates, throughout the classroom.] 

Then, I receive the verbal abuse of one of their greatest weapons.

“The other Instructors, do not require us to do that!!”  [Oh, this is a dagger to my heart.]  I imagine that they are trying to divide and conquer in here.  That might work at home with parents – but it should not work in here, with us. 

For the concluding moment, let us look at this issue from another angle.  Let us do away with the punitive mindset.  What about positive reinforcement?

§   Do we commend them for being original in their thought process?
§   Lastly, do we reward the lack of plagiarism, verbally or in written form?

If the theft of knowledge is not being addressed more stringently before college, we have to perform that task to protect them in this New World.  We have to reaffirm that stance with current students, periodically.  As college educators, we have to change the mindset of our incoming students.  

I suppose that we have to inform them in their few classes that they are not in the 13th grade
This is college.  Welcome to college!

Thank you Professor Lewis E. Alston for the insight as many of our students and educators will have a reaction to your words—some kind, some not so kind.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 17, 2009

Mirror’s Reflection (part II)

Submitted by Victoria Andrew (continued from yesterday’s submission)

4. Be a dynamic duo. Even if you are in different industries, consider the fact that job fairs and networking events are much less anxiety-provoking and more enjoyable with a friend.  Gallivant to events with the agenda of keeping an eye out for your buddy’s interests as well as your own.  If the opportunity arises, agree to introduce each other and/or even speak on one another’s behalf to diversify your options and accelerate your chances.

5. Support each other’s greatest challenges.  One of the most empowering aspects of the buddy system for your job quest, is that you would have a trusted confidante to speak honestly and openly to about the euphoric highs and sometimes devastating lows of the job search.  You can volley ideas over salary negotiation tactics and portfolio samples.  You can not only prepare for interviews with mock scenarios, but also process and debrief one another on all you learned from the experience.

6. Celebrate your mutual accomplishments and cheer each other on as you cross the finish line.  There’s not a better feeling than having your own cheerleader after a race. You can party with glee over each other’s achievements, and also offer a helping hand when you fall short of your goals.  You remind each other it’s not always the outcome, but the journey that is the most worthwhile.

As in most challenging situations in our lives, the synergy of two minds is always better than striving to accomplish things alone. Capitalizing on your path to a new career by mirroring a friend and supporting him or her in the process will undoubtedly catapult you to a higher playing field.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 16, 2009

Mirror’s Reflection

Submitted by Victoria Andrew
November 17
In adventurous activities, having a buddy system tends to garner more auspicious results.  For example, the quest of losing weight generally becomes much more exciting and inspiring when one has a friend offering words of encouragement.

In more enterprising pursuits of daredevils, the main benefit of the buddy system is enhanced security.  One may be able to rescue the other in a crisis.  In scuba diving, it is essential to have a dive partner to assess your equipment’s safety.  In the U.S. Air Force, “wingmen” protect one another in battle.

In the mining industry, a “butty partner,” is one you work with“butt to butt” in order to maximize productivity.  Firefighters will only enter a burning building adhering to the “two in, two out” principle.  Similarly, in order to better withstand the arduous odyssey of your career search, it is advised that you find yourself a “helping hand” who is your trusted ally along the way.

Here are a few suggestions to optimize the buddy system for a job search:

1. Choose carefully. In our difficult economy, you may have a plethora of friends in a situation such as your own, desiring a more prosperous and promising position.  It would most likely be more harmonious if you chose someone who is not in your same exact field, so as not to spark fireworks of competition for the same position.  However, do chose someone who whom you share a mutual passion for landing a new career.

2. Sign up for the marathon together.  When running partners prepare for a race together, they find it beneficial to develop a mutual training plan. They decide on the specific dates and times they will run together, and hold one another accountable.  You and your job search companion could conjure such a game plan, complete with specific times you shall convene to discuss your goals, target markets, networking, and interviews scheduled.

3. Cultivate a strategy of attack.  Together, bounce ideas off of each other as to how you will both engage in your job searches.  Consider reading out loud together the Personal Career Marketing Manual by Danny Huffman, published by Education Career Services.  Share and critique each other’s resumes. Write branding statements for one another.  Rehearse diverse interview scenarios together.  Go shopping for powerhouse interview suits.  Brainstorm contacts in each other’s individual networks, in case you might offer each another a fresh approach.

Due to the length of this blog, let’s take a quick breather until tomorrow as we conclude the topic with the final three suggestions,

Thank you Victoria for this submission. 

If you have any comments, submit and don’t be surprised to hear back from Danny,

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 12, 2009

Don’t Let Your “Hello” be an Employer’s “Goodbye!”

Submitted by Kimberly Sarmiento

Would I use the phrase “detail-orientated” to describe my clients when I write their resumes?

Is it still important to pay careful attention to detail in your career search?

A vital, yet often overlooked, aspect of a career search is the recorded greeting a potential employer receives when he or she phones for an interview and you are unable to answer.  Good news is, your cover letter captured his interest.  Your resume made him want to learn more about you.  Then he hears……

“Hey there! (pause) What was that? (pause) Hello? (pause) Got ya! Leave me a message and I’ll call you back.”

Do you think that employer is going to bother with the message? 
Probably not.

Humor in a recorded greeting is great for your friends and family.  It is not advisable in your career search. 

Neither are the following approaches:

“This is Amy and Ben, Mommy and Daddy can’t come to the phone right now, but if you leave them a message they will call you back.”

“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. How I wonder what you are…..Leave us a message!”

“Hi there! (sounds of dog barking) This is Spot and John.  Leave me a message and one of us will call you back. (more dog barking….).”

Trust me on this readers, even though your recorded voice messages are adorable, a hiring authority does not want to hear your children or pets when they call to speak to YOU!

Ok, so you follow my advice and create a recording that portrays your professionalism.  Does it sound something like, “Hello.  You have reached 123-555-9382.  Please leave a message at the beep and I will return your call as soon as possible.”?  You think that’s good right?  Well close, but no cigar.  Not yet.

See that example is missing one vital piece of the puzzle that was also lacking in all the previous examples.  None of these messages clearly identify the owner of the phone.  In a highly competitive job market, where the difference between getting hired and being overlooked is all about the details – don’t let your potential employer question if she has the right number!  Don’t give her any reason to hang that phone up without leaving you a message.

Ergo, state your name in your recording.  And preferably, not just your first name.  And most importantly, use the name your put on your resume.  In other words, if your name is Jonathan Daniel Webb and you go by Dan, please do not identify yourself as John D. Webb in your contact information then say, “Hi, this is Dan…” in your message.  There is a chance the hiring authority might still leave a message.  But there is also a chance they will go on to the next resume.

Putting all of this information together, let’s see what a good voice recording would include:

“Hello, this is Jane Smith.  I’m sorry I missed you, but will return your call shortly if you leave your name and number.  Have a great day.”

One final point: Check your messages often and return calls promptly!

Thank you Kimberly for this submission.  No doubt many potential interviews have been averted due to an improper voice message.  Sure your insight will be of great help!
Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 10, 2009

Mining for Quantifiable Data in an Unquantifiable Job

Ace%20Up%20Sleeve“I’m going in Monday and asking for $70,000 a year!” my friend said.

 “How are you going to substantiate such a raise?” I asked.

 “I’ve been there for ten years.  I should be making that much.”

 “Why?” I said.

 He narrowed his eyes at me, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

 My friend is in the creative industry, so my lecture on giving quantitative data to concretely identify his value supporting a hike in pay was met with a blank expression. 

 “I don’t have anything like that,” he said.

 Maybe you feel that way, too.  If you don’t have access to the financials, putting numbers to your contribution seems impossible.  My friend was limited by the fact that he viewed himself only as a designer.  “I draw pictures, that’s what I do.” 

But he does more than that.  There is a process behind his work that he can refine, so I pursued that.  “Sure, I’m a lot faster than a couple years ago because I learned Painter and taught everyone else how to use it.  We’re twice as fast as before.”

 This was a bit like a story problem:  Four employees who were twice as fast because of his innovation.  He doubled department capacity.  He saved almost $500,000 by increasing throughput (4 x average salary = ~$500,000)… while he doesn’t know the value of the additional work enabled, he can total up how many more projects they completed each year.

With a little prodding, he mentioned he increased inventory turns and reduced project costs (he didn’t state it that way; he just said he designed projects to use existing inventory rather than demand new materials, unlike the other designers).  With a little Internet scouting, he could figure out the price of inventory materials vs. new materials; by analyzing how much inventory his projects consumed and comparing it to other projects, he could come up with some numbers from the difference.

By the end of his research, he discovered he saved the company over three million dollars through a combination of doubled team capacity, reduced need for freelancers, and other cost-cutting measures while increasing inventory turns 40%.

He was amazed.  “I’m not asking for enough!  If this is what I can do without trying, imagine what I could do if I think about it!”

For your own stubborn quantifications, put some thought into it.  Examine your processes and any improvements you’ve made and calculate their value.  Analyze what you do differently than co-workers and see if there’s an advantage.  How much time does it save and multiply that by your hourly pay.  If you can’t compare yourself to coworkers, compare yourself to your own past performance.  Have there been advances?  Dig a little to figure out how to quantify them.

Ultimately, in a job interview or salary negotiation, having concrete numbers argues in your favor.  “I’ve been here for ten years” or “I’ve saved the company $3M+ per year:” which statement would you reward?  Never put your employer in the positions to ask “can I afford to give you a raise?”  Instead make it, “Can I afford NOT to give you a raise?”

Rob Swanson
Writing Manager
Career Services International

November 5, 2009

Where can I find EMPLOYMENT?

I am heading north and will be speaking at the Private Career School Association of New Jersey 2009 Annual convention but wanted to share a recent question and response from LinkedIn.  Before we go to the question, my topic of discussion for Friday’s workshop is: “Job Placement approaches in a Difficult Economy.”  If you would like the PowerPoint presentation, let me know.

Question and AnswerOn this note, if you have any questions, find me at LinkedIn or email me directly, and I’ll be glad to offer over 12 years of experience in human capital management as a strong and diverse academic background.  Nothing wrong with data triangulation as we all could use a helping hand now and then!

I bring the following as the question may be pertinent to just about everyone, including students and directors at all levels…

Apply online or in person? Should you just drop off your resume/application, or ask to speak to someone?

Just like in all situations, being prepared for any type of contingency is paramount to success.  As an owner of a human capital company and writer of career/professional textbooks and collateral, I can tell you timing can be the determinant of which is best and which is not.  Let me explain for a minute or two:

One of the most expensive and taxing elements of being an employer is attracting and retaining qualified candidates.  With this, placing an electronic job posting is money I find not always well spent.  Thus the catch, if I want qualified candidates, how do I attract them without extending an already over- bloated budget?  One way is to receive candidates without advertising.  By the very nature of being non-advertised, the candidate must show an initiative and act on it. 

Responding online: Think about it this way, according to the top three career management associations in the US, approximately 80% of all jobs are NOT advertised.  Thus, for the person responding solely to the advertised market, the pickings are slim yet the pool of applicants is HUGE.  As a result, applying on line, and only on line, is not my recommendation.  Then again, do not neglect the advertised market as many great positions are posted.

Dropping off resume/application: I am a firm believer in not only claiming a strong desire to work for a company, but also proving that desire.  Granted, the vast majority of “walk-ins” will result in simply handing your resume/application to the receptionist, but the character displayed may play heavily in the decision making process.  As a career coach and college instructor, I inform my clients and students to dress the part, keep a positive attitude, develop a game-plan (research the companies targeted), and follow up in the days to come.  For the employer, having a candidate ready to work, without the expense of posting an advertisement, is a benefit and is much appreciated.  This approach also can lead to finding the right contact person within the company for future references and inquiries. 

Ask to speak to someone: No doubt you do not want to be pushy or aggressive but you do want to be assertive.  Be polite and if your first contact is over the phone, request to speak to the manager of the department you are hoping to work in.  If the receptionist (or gatekeeper) is not cooperative, thank her or him for the time and ask for the manager’s name and prepare an introductory letter.  If you are walking in, again be polite and know your presence is probably an inconvenience (due to no schedule).  As a result, ask if a scheduled appointment can be made at a later date.  While I was a vice-president at my last place, nothing bothered me more than an unscheduled meeting.  Then again, when I was seeking candidates for employment, nothing was more pleasing on the budget.  Thus, it’s all about timing.

Ultimately, the best approach would be to focus on the advertised AND the unadvertised market.  By incorporating a triangulation method, your chances of success dramatically increase.  Unfortunately, the unemployment rate is at a level to foster discouragement.  My words are for you to NOT become discouraged and through perseverance, the career most desired will come to fruition.

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

November 2, 2009

Selling Your Soul for Your Paycheck?

Filed under: Career Cafe,Career Development — EducationCS @ 8:22 pm
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Submitted by Victoria Andrew

DevilBurnsCash_rf_120According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate has soared to 9.5%, making it all too easy to seize the first opportunity presented to us. Such an impulsive choice may sacrifice job satisfaction for the sake of economic security. Before accepting a new position, ask key questions to consider potential job satisfaction: 

  • Does the company provide products and/or services you would be proud to be represent?
  • Would your new boss be someone with whom you could establish a positive and rewarding working relationship with?
  • Are the leaders of the company people you respect and feel driven to work for?
  • Are you being offered a salary commensurate with your worth in the marketplace? Consider your total compensation in comparison to your past earnings. If you perform on a superior level, is there an upside opportunity or incentive pay?
  • Could the skills you learn within this position give you more of a chance of upward mobility in the future? If the position does not offer the economic security you are seeking, consider the experience, skills, networking, and certifications you may acquire on the job.
  • Will this be a job that is both professionally and personally rewarding for you?
  • Will the position make a difference in your department, the company, and society as a whole?
  • Is there frequent overtime in the culture of the company? Many professional jobs are inherently very demanding. Yet, excessive overtime could signify insufficient resources, ineffective management, and poor planning.
  • Will a healthy balance between your personal and professional life be possible within this position? Be honest with yourself as to whether or not the hours (including the commute) will easily work with your family. Maintaining peace at home will enhance your productivity level. 

Although it is exciting to be offered a new position, restrain your enthusiasm and   consider whether or not it meets your standards of job satisfaction before accepting it. Upward mobility, productivity levels, and job retention will revolve around whether or not our work is personally meaningful and professionally satisfying to us as individuals, independent of current trends in the economy.

Thank you Victoria!

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPCC, CPRW
Owner, Author, Publisher
Career Services International
Education Career Services
407-206-5883 (direct line)
866-794-3337 ext 110

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